Congressman Zach Nunn Votes to Unleash American Energy

Washington D.C. – U.S. Congressman Zach Nunn of Iowa’s Third Congressional District voted today to increase domestic energy production and reduce gas costs for Iowan families. The Strategic Production Response Act (H.R. 21) would require the federal government to increase American energy production to refill the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

“Getting our country to energy independence is a top priority to lower gas prices for Iowans, refill our energy reserve for emergencies, and unleash domestic production that has been hurt by burdensome regulations in the past,” said Rep. Nunn. “I’m proud to prioritize energy and national security—voting across the aisle to get it done.”

This bill also marks the return of transparency and accountability to the American people in the legislative process. H.R. 21 was considered under the first open amendment process in seven years, with more than 140 amendments considered and debated on the House Floor.  Rep. Nunn crossed party lines on multiple amendments to strengthen the bill with bipartisan support.
