Representative Zach Nunn Votes For American Energy Independence

Des Moines, Iowa — Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) voted in favor of the bipartisan Lower Energy Costs Act today. This bill advances energy independence by boosting domestic energy production and removing burdensome regulations to lower the cost of gas and energy bills. The bill also bans China from buying farmland that can be used in energy production.

“Having a country that is energy independent is how we achieve a safer country and stronger economy, which is why I voted in favor of the Lower Energy Costs Act,” said Rep. Nunn. “Energy diversity is the best way to lower costs for Iowans and ensure energy independence.” 

According to the Energy Assistance Directors Association, households are expected to pay the highest energy costs in 15 years this winter. Specifically, the Lower Energy Costs Act would help to lower those rising costs by repealing energy taxes on natural gas use, boosting American energy, and removing burdensome permit processes. 

Along with the Lower Energy Costs Act, Rep. Nunn has been supportive of renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. Rep. Nunn recently led a letter sent to President Biden with Rep. Feenstra, Rep. Hinson, and Rep. Miller-Meeks to ensure E15 is included in our country’s energy portfolio this summer. 
