Jul 25, 2023 | Press Releases

Nunn, Lynch Introduce Legislation to Combat China’s Taliban Support

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representatives Zach Nunn (IA-03) and Stephen Lynch (MA- 08) today introduced the bipartisan Exposing China’s Support for the Taliban Act to combat China’s financial and strategic support for the Taliban. 

“As an Air Force veteran that flew missions over Afghanistan, I’ve seen the threats the Taliban poses to basic human rights and global stability firsthand,” Rep. Nunn said. “China doesn’t hesitate to use relationships with terrorist groups like the Taliban to expand their global influence. Our bipartisan legislation is critical to combating this threat.”

Following the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, China announced its willingness to lend financial support and legitimacy to the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan, including members of the U.S. designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, the Haqqani Network. 

The Exposing China’s Support for the Taliban Act would require the U.S. Department of the Treasury to develop a plan to combat Chinese support for the Taliban, including:

  • A review of activities by the Government of China and Chinese-registered companies to support financial networks involved in narcotic transactions, illicit financial transactions, corruption, exploitation of natural resources, and terrorist networks;
  • An assessment of financial, commercial, and economic activities by the Government of China and Chinese companies in Afghanistan to counter American strategic interests; and
  • Recommendations to Congress regarding necessary improvements to support identification and disruption of Chinese illicit finance networks in Afghanistan.

This legislation will be considered during the July 26, 2023 markup by the House Financial Services Committee. If passed out of committee, it will then await a vote on the House floor.

Text of the bill can be found here