Dec 1, 2023 | Press Releases

Nunn Votes To Expel George Santos From House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) released the following statement after voting to expel Representative George Santos from the House of Representatives: 

Those who serve in elected office should be held to the highest possible ethical standard. George Santos probably couldn’t even find the word ethics in a dictionary. He has repeatedly proven to be a con man, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he should be in prison, not the House of Representatives.  While he will continue to receive due process in a court of law for his criminal liability, the Constitution dictates that the House of Representatives is responsible for determining the fitness to serve of its own Members. To that end, George Santos has received lengthy due process through the House Ethics Committee and the results are clear: he is unfit to serve.

“The bottom line is that the American people are sick and tired of Washington, D.C. backroom deals that protect crooks and liars. Expelling George Santos is the right move, but it is not the only step that must be taken to restore the American people’s trust in our government. The Senate must now follow the lead of the House of Representatives and immediately expel Robert Menendez for his egregious ethical lapses, including accepting bribes from foreign governments while serving as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”

“To serve the American people, both Republicans and Democrats must put the best interests of our country ahead of political expediency.”


  • On May 17, 2023, Rep. Nunn voted to refer Rep. Santos to the Ethics committee “so that he can be held accountable for his pathological lying.”
  • The Ethics Committee released the report of that investigation on November 14, 2023.
  • The same day, Rep. Nunn announced that he would vote to expel Rep. Santos from the House of Representatives based on the findings of the report.
