Jan 11, 2024 | Press Releases

Nunn Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Protect Americans’ Data

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representatives Zach Nunn (IA-03), Ted Lieu (CA-36), Don Beyer (VA-08), and Marc Molinaro (NY-19) introduced legislation to mitigate risks to Americans’ data while still benefiting from new technology. The bipartisan Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act would require the federal government to follow established guidelines to protect Americans’ data when the government utilizes artificial intelligence (AI).

“Technological advancement is good for society, and if done right, can make the government more effective,” said Rep. Nunn. “As the federal government implements AI towards this end, we must ensure that Americans’ data is safe and the government is transparent about what it is doing. This bipartisan bill will ensure we’re doing everything we can to protect the American people while leveraging the full capabilities of new technology.”

Breakthroughs in AI are making lives easier and leading to new developments that will grow the economy. A report published this year by Goldman Sachs, for example, found that generative AI could raise global GDP by 7 percent over a 10-year period.

“As AI continues to develop rapidly, we need a coordinated government response to ensure the technology is used responsibly and that individuals are protected,” said Rep. Lieu. “The AI Risk Management Framework developed by NIST is a great starting point for agencies and vendors to analyze the risks associated with AI and to mitigate those risks. These guidelines have already been used by a number of public and private sector organizations, and there is no reason why they shouldn’t be applied to the federal government as well. I’m grateful to my House and Senate colleagues from both sides of the aisle for their partnership in this effort to promote safe AI use within the federal government and to allow the United States to continue to lead on AI.”

The federal government can implement AI to improve efficiency, productivity, and security. There are, however, risks associated with the government utilizing this technology, including data privacy, personal information security, transparency in decision making, and incidental use of unverified data.

“As the federal government expands its use of innovative AI technology, it becomes increasingly important to safeguard against AI’s potential risks. Our bill, which would require the federal government to put into practice the excellent risk mitigation and AI safety frameworks developed by NIST, is a natural starting point,” said Rep. Beyer. “By ensuring that federal agencies have the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of AI, we can ensure both the trustworthiness and effectiveness of AI systems used by the government and encourage other organizations and companies to adopt similar standards. This bill lays the foundation for harnessing the power of AI for the benefit of the American people, while upholding the highest standards of accountability and transparency.”

Congress previously directed the national Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to develop an AI Risk Management Framework that private and public sector organizations could employ to ensure AI systems are used in a trustworthy manner. This framework was released earlier this year. Currently, however, federal agencies are not required to use this framework to manage their AI systems.

“While we’re only beginning to realize the full power of AI – we have to recognize it is here and being widely utilized,” said Rep. Molinaro. “Congress must provide guidance to operate AI safely and close cybersecurity gaps. Congress took an important step forward by directing NIST to develop an AI Risk Management Framework. Our bipartisan bill will require federal agencies to adopt this framework to help unleash the potential of AI, while keeping federal assets secure.”

The bipartisan Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act would require federal agencies and vendors to incorporate the NIST framework into their AI management efforts to help limit the risks that could be associated with AI technology.

“Implementing a widely recognized risk management framework by the U.S. Government can harness the power of AI and advance this technology safely,” said Fred Humphries, Corporate Vice President, U.S. Government Affairs, Microsoft. “We look forward to working with Representatives Nunn and Lieu as they advance this framework.”

The bipartisan Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act was introduced in the Senate by U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (KS) and Mark Warner (VA). Text of the bill can be found here.
