Feb 15, 2024 | Press Releases

Nunn Announces $5.3 Million Federal Investment for Des Moines Airport

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Zach Nunn today announced that the Des Moines International Airport will receive more than $5 million from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Terminal Program to fund the construction of several new terminal areas.  

“Air travel anywhere can be a pain—from delayed flights to poor customer service and tight seats— this grant funding will help improve the Des Moines Airport terminal to make traveling easier and more comfortable for Iowans and visitors to our state,” said Rep. Nunn. “I’m proud to be leading the fight to secure funding for our airport in Congress, and I’ll keep pushing to help improve Iowa’s travel options every chance I get!”  

The Des Moines International Airport will receive $5,357,143 from the FAA. The funds will be used for the construction of common use terminal areas, modernizing the infrastructure to support accessibility and efficiency.  

“We extend our deepest gratitude to Congressman Nunn and the Iowa Federal Delegation for their unwavering support of the Lift DSM Terminal Project,” said Kevin Foley, Executive Director of the Des Moines Airport. “These funds bring us one step closer to funding the new terminal which will enhance air service capacity and elevate the passenger experience.” 
