May 24, 2024 | Press Releases

Nunn Passes Critical Agriculture Programs for Iowans

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) issued the following statement after voting to pass the 2024 Farm Bill out of the House Agriculture Committee:

“The hands, hearts, and hard work of Iowa’s farmers feed and fuel the country. As a leading ag-producing state, farming isn’t just a job but a way of life. Since day one in Congress, I’ve fought to support bipartisan solutions that help put food on the table and fuel in the gas tanks of every family across the country.

“After meeting with hundreds of Iowans during my Farm Bill Listening Tour, I’m proud that the 2024 Farm Bill includes 17 of our bipartisan priorities – giving Iowa an outsized voice in crafting this once-in-a-five-year bill. At a time when the chaos in D.C. distracts many politicians and prevents progress, today we gave Iowans the certainty they deserve and delivered countless wins.”


The House Agriculture Committee today passed the Farm, Food, and National Security Act to improve and reauthorize critical Farm Bill programs for five years. Rep. Nunn secured Iowans’ bipartisan priorities in this legislation, including:

  • Strengthening the farm safety net and increased commodity prices
  • Improving broadband service for rural communities
  • Increasing protections for dogs suffering at puppy mills
  • Strengthening cybersecurity support for agribusinesses and rural water systems
  • Enhancing support for rural job creators and economic development
  • Investing in nutrition programs to support the most vulnerable
  • Supporting innovation in biofuels and research to improve the food supply
  • Preventing states from interfering with the production of agricultural products in other states
  • Streamlining conservation standards to support the latest technology with farmers in mind
  • Supporting the next generation of farmers

The Farm, Food, and National Security Act passed by a bipartisan vote of 33-21. It now awaits consideration by the full House of Representatives.
