Mar 6, 2024 | Press Releases

Representative Zach Nunn Introduces Bill to End Automatic Pay Raises for Congress

Bill would stop automatic yearly pay increases for Members of Congress  


Des Moines, Iowa — Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) announced a new bill today that would end automatic pay raises for Members of Congress. Rep. Nunn’s legislation would repeal an existing provision that automatically raises salaries for Members of Congress every year.

“We did not get into public service to get rich.  Service should always come before self, and that’s why I believe Members of Congress should not receive automatic pay increases,” said Rep. Nunn. “This is a commonsense bill that builds on legislation I introduced a few weeks ago to ban stock trading by Members of Congress. It’s time to pass these bills and prove to the American people that their elected representatives understand public service is for the American people, not for personal profit.”

Unless Congress passes legislation to prevent the next pay increase, the 2023 pay increase for Members of the House of Representatives would be up to a 4.5% raise, which equals $7,830 in extra salary per year.  Rep. Nunn’s bill would prevent this pay increase and all future increases.    

The full text of the bill can be read here.
