Ban Members from Becoming Lobbyists Act

When Members of Congress leave public service, the single most popular post-Congress career choice is lobbying. This is wrong – Members of Congress should not be going to D.C. to enrich themselves. 

Under current law, Members of the House of Representatives are banned from lobbying for one year after leaving office and Senators are banned from lobbying for two years. Still, approximately two-thirds of former Members have joined the lobbying industry. I believe more can done to stop this revolving door.  

That’s why I introduced the Ban Members from Becoming Lobbyists Act, which triples the length of time Members of Congress are banned from lobbying after leaving public service. My bill increases the cooling off period between public service and lobbying from one to three years for Representatives and from two to six years for Senators. 

Putting service over self has been something I’ve done my entire life – first in the Air Force, then at the Iowa Statehouse, and now in Congress. Public service is one of the greatest honors to be able to be a voice for the folks in Iowa.  

I’m hopeful my bill will slow this revolving door and help us earn back people’s trust in their public officials. 

Read The Bill Text Here: