Jun 15, 2024 | Blog Posts

The U.S.A. is fighting back 🇺🇸

I have good news! My bipartisan proposals to support servicemembers and bolster our national security just passed the House of Representatives as part of the FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)!

As a combat veteran and recently promoted Colonel in the Air Force Reserve, I know there is more to be done to keep our country safe. To that end, I offered four amendments to the NDAA that passed unanimously:

  • Adam Lambert was a proud Marine from Adel. In his memory, I offered my bipartisan Daniel J. Harvey and Adam Lambert Improving Servicemember Transition to Reduce Suicide Act as an amendment so we can help save veteran lives.
  • We’re on the verge of a disaster that could be 1,000 times worse than China’s ownership of TikTok. My amendment, based on my CLARITY Act, will prohibit the Department of Defense from using blockchain, a new cloud storage technology, if it’s developed by China or other adversaries.
  • Two of my amendments would bolster American innovation and strengthen strategic partnerships with our allies, Israel and Taiwan. After months of terror at the hands of Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah, we must be unwavering in our support for Israel as she defends herself. By strengthening our support for Taiwan, we can continue to deter China from taking aggressive action against our allies across the world.

Bottom Line: I’ll keep fighting to support our servicemembers and stop China in their tracks! Â