Blog Posts

Do you use crypto?

Digital assets are quickly emerging as a major way in which we spend money. When it comes to the expansion of digital assets, like cryptocurrency, I want to ensure every American has access to this technology and that our national security is...

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We can make America a better place

Just today, Senator Bob Menedez was found guilty of bribery and corruption. This is unacceptable and we should demand better, especially from one of our country’s leaders.Our government is supposed to be of the people, for the people, and by the...

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The Latest on Iowa: What you need to know now.

Our hearts are with President Trump, the victims, and their families after last night’s tragic and senseless attack. Regardless of your political leanings, violence has no place in democracy. While in D.C. this week, I fought for Iowa by...

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This crisis could be stopped

The maternal mortality rate in the United States is the worst out of any high-income country in the world. According to the CDC, nearly 80% of these deaths could be prevented with proper care. Across the country, it’s estimated that 2 million women...

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Do you want to serve our country? 🇺🇸

I am excited to host an information session on July 16 to help Iowa students interested in attending a military Service Academy. The purpose of Service Academy Day is to help students, parents, and counselors navigate the process of applying to any...

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Preventing the next infant formula shortage 🍼

Just two years ago, millions of parents were scrambling to feed their babies – some even traveling miles or paying out-of-this-world prices just to get the formula their child needed.  We may be past that crisis now, but we should work to stop this...

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CO-SPONSOR ALERT: A skilled workforce for Iowa

We should be investing in hands-on learning opportunities, like apprenticeships and training programs, that help Iowans get the skills they need to start their career. In as few as four weeks, a student can go from the classroom to a job paying...

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Let freedom ring! 🇺🇸 

Happy Independence Day! We live in the greatest country in the world – and we should proudly celebrate it today and every day.As we gather to celebrate one of the most significant days in our nation’s history at grill outs, parades, and fireworks,...

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4.8 million ways to grow Appanoose County 🚂

I’ve got HUGE news for Appanoose County! We just announced a $4.8 million federal investment to construct a new rail spur – which will drive the economy and create good-paying jobs right in our back yard. Check out the announcement with local...

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An investment for Ottumwa

Here’s the Deal: A four-year degree doesn’t guarantee success and it’s not the only pathway to a successful career. Across the country, there’s a shortage of 80,000 truck drivers. This shortage is making it difficult for stores to restock their...

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Check out this week’s wins for Iowa

I hope you had a great first week of summer! This week, I fought for Iowa by introducing bipartisan legislation to help grow families, voting to secure our border, and trying to ease the financial burden for families hit by severe weather. Here’s a...

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KEY VOTE ALERT: Funding to Protect Our Borders

The crisis at our Southern Border is putting our communities in jeopardy. In the past four years, nearly 8 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border.The open-border policies from this Administration are putting every community at risk....

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This isn’t easy

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that affects lots of people – especially veterans. As a 20-year combat veteran, I’m committed to improving the support systems that help America’s heroes heal from the battle scars of...

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This is not the end of the story

As a father of six, I’ll never have a more important title than ‘Dad.’ It breaks my heart that some folks struggle to start their families. Infertility used to be the end of the story, but now we have tools, like IVF and other fertility treatments,...

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Terrorists getting American tax dollars???

As a member of the Air Force, I flew in combat missions in the Middle East, fighting terrorists and working to defend America’s security. Then, the Administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan killed 13 American servicemembers, including...

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Helping your money stretch a little further

Earlier this year, our community was hit by destructive, deadly, and devastating storms. Iowans are resilient, and watching our community come together to rebuild is inspiring. It’s costly to rebuild – these storms take an emotional toll and fixing...

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