Jun 28, 2024 | Blog Posts

This isn’t easy

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that affects lots of people – especially veterans. As a 20-year combat veteran, I’m committed to improving the support systems that help America’s heroes heal from the battle scars of service.

Today is National PTSD Screening Day. If you’ve been struggling since experiencing a trauma, take a 5-question self-screen to determine if your feelings are related to PTSD: www.ptsd.va.gov/screen

Talking about mental health isn’t easy – but with support, PTSD can be treated. In April, I passed my bipartisan bill to ensure veterans have access to the mental health support they need when they transition from their tour of duty back to civilian life.

I’ll always stand up for America’s heroes. If you need any assistance with your veterans benefits, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (515) 400-8180 or by visiting nunn.house.gov/veterans.