Mar 2, 2023 | Blog Posts



I am thrilled to announce that I have been appointed to serve on the Congressional-Executive Commission on the People’s Republic of China. This commission is a combination of bipartisan House, Senate and Executive Branch appointees with the goal of investigating the Chinese Communist Party and holding them accountable. 

In the military and as a member of our country’s intelligence community, I have nearly two decades of service in combat zones and conducting reconnaissance missions, including counter-intelligence operations in China. So, I’ve seen firsthand there is more to China than what they are showing the world. 

The commission serves to combat the following in China:   

  • Human rights abuses, increased human trafficking, forced labor, and censorship 

  • Lack of access to justice, freedom of speech, movement, religion, and expression 

  • The erosion of democratic government in Hong Kong and attempts by the Chinese Communist Party to expand the influence of Communism 

Here is what I hope to accomplish as a part of this committee:  

  • Ensuring we have a comprehensive and long-term plan to effectively combat China 

  • Exposing and compiling clear evidence of China’s violations of basic human rights  

  • Keeping the pressure on the Chinese Communist Party 

The danger we are facing from China is real, and the United States is long overdue for a strategy to ensure we are keeping our own country secure from their threats.  That’s exactly what I plan to accomplish as a member of this commission.