Mar 10, 2023 | Blog Posts


The federal government’s out of control rules and regulations restricting the use of Iowa’s farmland needs to end →  

In case you missed it, earlier this year, the Biden Administration finalized their “Revised Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule to regulate nearly every single waterway, stream, ditch and puddle in America, even on private property.  

This is massive overreach with the severe potential to prevent Iowa farmers from feeding the world! 

That’s why, this week, I voted to eliminate this regulation on our farmers and guarantee that they have freedom to operate successfully:  

  • I helped introduce the bill—which now heads to the Senate—to ensure WOTUS is stopped. 

  • Our bill would also save farmers money by eliminating costly compliance red tape that comes from increased federal regulation. 

There is no better land steward than a farmer whose crop depends on it, and that is why I trust them to know how to manage their farm better than any government bureaucrat in Washington, D.C.