Mar 17, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] The Influence of Money in Politics: Tripling the Lobbying Ban | March 13 – 17

I’ve put service over self my entire life – first in the Air Force, then at the Iowa Statehouse, and now in Congress. Public service is one of the greatest honors to be able to be a voice for the folks in Iowa. 

That’s why I have introduced a bill to increase the lobbying ban for Members of Congress. Lobbying is the single most popular post-Congress career choice with approximately 2/3rds of former Members joining the lobbying industry.  

This legislation will help make elected officials more accountable to taxpayers: 

  • The bill would triple the length of the lobbying ban for Members of Congress, making the cooling off period between public service as a Representative and lobbying now 3 years instead of just 1 year.  

  • The bill would protect constituents from a representative shopping for their next job and paycheck, instead of serving the people.