Mar 28, 2023 | Blog Posts

Are you up to date on agriculture issues?

Iowa’s agriculture is mission critical to our economy and rural communities, as well as the global energy and food supply. This is why we are fighting for bipartisan and common-sense solutions to ensure every farmer has the ability grow, produce, and freedom to operate.  

I took the opportunity during our ag committee hearing to discuss with fellow Iowan and USDA Secretary Vilsack, about the firsthand concerns I am hearing on the ground from Iowa’s farmers and producers.  

Here is a quick recap on the top issues:  

  • E-15 Year-Round: A whole year of ethanol sales for Iowa’s farmers and ethanol producers will be lost if we do not have year-round E-15.  

  • Funding Rural Broadband: Fulling funding of rural broadband programs ensures every Iowa rural community, farmer, and school will have more options for broadband access.  

  • Fighting EPA rule on packaging of rodenticide: EPA’s proposed rules would be harmful for animal health and costly for producers to adhere to, which would lead to higher costs in food.  

These issues are immediate and there is strong bipartisan effort to tackle them on behalf of our farmers, producers, and ag workers.   

As a member of the Agriculture Committee, I am thankful for the opportunity to be the voice of the Iowa’s 88,000 farms that are in the hands of nearly 129,000 Iowans who feed and fuel our world.