Mar 30, 2023 | Blog Posts


Families are expected to pay the highest energy costs in 15 years this winter, which is why I am working to lower energy costs ahead of time. In this economy, with interest rates climbing and inflation still near record highs, Iowans should not also have to pay more for energy.  

That’s why I voted today for the Lower Energy Costs Act, which will work to bring energy bills down and move our country towards energy independence by: 

  • Boosting domestic energy production 

  • Removing burdensome regulations that make energy cost more 

  • Repealing costly taxes  

  • Banning China from using American land for energy use  

A country that is energy independent is safer and stronger.  So, what’s next for this bill? It will now go over to the U.S. Senate. I will keep you posted on any developments.