Representative Zach Nunn Introduces Bill to Incentivize Adoption

Des Moines, Iowa — Representative Zach Nunn (IA-03) announced a new bill today, named the Fight for Families Act, to incentivize Iowa families to adopt. This bill would financially help low-and middle-income families who want to adopt children that are otherwise difficult to place with families.

As a father of two foster children currently going through the adoption process, Rep. Nunn has firsthand experience with the shortcomings of the process and is passionate about helping other Iowa families adopt. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services, there are 4,144 Iowa children in foster care and 1,004 Iowa children awaiting adoption. 

“Family is everything to Iowans, and I want to make sure that I’m doing everything in my power to help Iowans who are willing to open their home to disadvantaged children,” said Rep. Nunn. “My bill would help low and middle-income families, as well as retirees on fixed incomes, be able to offset costs associated with adopting.” 

Specifically, the bill would amend the current Federal Adoption Tax Credit to require the existing $14,890 tax credit be refundable and permanent for families who are adopting:

  • A child who is a citizen or resident of the United States or its possessions when the adoption effort began; and 
  • A child who the state determines can’t or shouldn’t be returned to his or her parent’s home; and 
  • A child who the state determines probably won’t be adoptable without assistance provided to the adoptive family.

As the code is written now, only high-income families with significant taxes owed can utilize the credit to pay off their taxes. Making the Federal Adoption Tax Credit refundable (and permanent) for families adopting disadvantaged children will allow all families to benefit financially to offset costs.

The full text of the bill can be read here.
