Apr 6, 2023 | Blog Posts

Do you think kids need more opportunities for success?

Iowa leads the nation in job training, apprenticeships, and high school work-based learning programs. We are a model for ensuring every student is met with the best fit for their own success.  

As a member of congress, I want to ensure we are matching federal resources with state programs, so they can achieve optimum success and fight to put the right policies in place to ensure the federal government is not hindering Iowa programs’ ability to flourish.  

I recently toured the Iowa School of Construction in Des Moines. It was an excellent example of hands-on job training that benefits both recently graduated high school’s students to individuals looking for a change in career path.  

Iowa School of Construction

The definition of success for a student, does not always mean a four-year college degree and I will always fight to ensure our kids have the absolute best opportunities to achieve their own success.