Apr 10, 2023 | Blog Posts

? Federal Overreach ALERT →

Iowa farmers know how dangerous and detrimental the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule has been to farming and agriculture in Iowa. This federal government overreach has put almost every single waterway, ditch, and puddle under federal jurisdiction subject to a massive amount of costly red tape.  

As your representative in Congress, I voted to end WOTUS, and on behalf of our famers, called on the Administration to end their overregulation.  Our bill passed with bipartisan support.    

Unfortunately, President Biden just vetoed our legislation to protect Iowa’s farmers after it passed both the House and Senate with bipartisan support.  In doing so, the bureaucrats in the federal government are telling farmers all across the country that they know better how to do their job.  

Farmers tilling their land or tending their crops know the value of protecting our waterways to ensure our ability to grow the food that feeds the world.  They certainly understand that better than any D.C. bureaucrat.  

That’s why our fight is far from over. I will ensure the federal government hears the concerns of Iowa’s farmers: 

  • This is a bipartisan fight. The bill to repeal WOTUS passed Congress with the support of both Republicans and Democrats to protect the farmers who feed and fuel our world.  Unfortunately, the current White House is woefully partisan and out of touch.    

  • Our Farm Bill listening tour is happening all around our community right now.  I am taking farmer’s firsthand experiences back to D.C. and fighting on their behalf.  Learn more here.    

I will do everything within my power to ensure the federal government stops attacking Iowa’s farmers.