Apr 14, 2023 | Blog Posts

Legislation Alert: Supporting Parental Leave

As a father of six, I know time with children is critically important to new parents. Being a parent isn’t easy and time with your children is precious. 

As a current Air Force Reserve member as well, I know there’s more that can and should be done to support parental leave for America’s military members. Anybody who serves our country deserves time with their new children. 

That’s why I’m working across the aisle to ensure our National Guard and Reserve members have equal access to parental leave. 

Legislation Alert: Supporting Parental Leave

The Reserve Component Parental Leave Parity Act—a bipartisan bill that I introduced with my colleague Jeff Jackson—would support America’s National Guard and Reserve members, as well as their families, by:  

  • Expanding parental leave eligibility for parents serving in the drilling Reserve and National Guard to ensure fathers and adoptive parents have leave in addition to birth mothers.  

  • Addressing the disparity under current law that gives Active-Duty members leave but excludes the Reserve and National Guard.