Apr 28, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] Protecting Iowa’s Interests: Agriculture and National Debt | April 24 – 28

Iowa’s farmers help fuel the world.  Biofuels lower fuel costs at the pump and make our country more energy independent.  That’s why this week I fought back against D.C. politicians who were planning to gut our biofuels industry: 

During debt ceiling negotiations, our Iowa Congressional delegation stood united for Iowa’s farmers and producers, successfully fighting to amend the debt limit bill to protect biofuel tax credits.  

  • We also convinced the Administration to finally relent in their crusade against E15.  At the last minute, the Environmental Protection Agency issued a waiver I’ve been working to secure for months to allow the sale of E15 this summer. 

Our voices were heard this week, but the fight is far from over.  I’ll keep you updated on the next battle.