May 2, 2023 | Blog Posts

Are you worried about floods in Iowa?

Flooding and severe weather hits Iowa hard. Iowans who lived through The Great Flood of 1993 still remember the loss and devastation that we continue to rebuild from and fortify against 30 years later.  Iowans again lived through devastating flooding in 2008 and 2018.  

Mitigating flooding in Iowa is critical, and that’s why I’m proud to be named a Federal Champion for the American Flood Coalition.  Together, we’re: 

  • Working in a bipartisan manner at the local, state, and federal level to support communities in their fight against flooding.  

  • Advocating for solutions that help communities affected by serve weather and flooding.  

  • Fortifying residential areas, businesses, and military installations from flooding.  

We know floods can be horrifically painful for our state’s economy and the global food supply. That’s why our work is not done until every Iowa community feels protected from these disasters.