May 4, 2023 | Blog Posts

What do you need as a farmer?

Iowa’s farmers and producers have faced uncertainty, extremely high input costs, and a government that seems to be working against us at every turn. I am here to listen and make sure your needs are met by the upcoming Farm Bill.  

To fulfill my mission of putting Iowa farmers first, will you take just 2 minutes to fill out our Farmer’s First survey to help as I prioritize the issues that matter most to you? 

Farm Bill Listening Tour

As I am meeting with farmers and producers around Iowa, I know that one thing is certain: our food supply and biofuels industry are in great hands.  

Bottom line: our farmers and producers need security and certainty for the essential service they do of feeding and fueling our world. That’s why I’m fighting back against the giant bureaucracy trying to undermine your ability to produce food and fuel.