May 9, 2023 | Blog Posts

Celebrating 7 Outstanding Iowans: Farmers Feeding the World, Veterans, Afghani heroes, and Ukraine fighters

There are extraordinary Iowans among us who have gone above and beyond not only to help other Iowans but people around the world. Our state is full of Iowa Nice neighbors who have done incredible work to help others.  

This week, I was proud to recognize some Iowa heroes at an event hosted at World Food Prize for their contribution to ending world hunger, protecting our allies here and abroad, and strengthening international relations:  

  • Captain Clarissa Atwell, Iowa National Guard: Captain Atwell worked alongside Task Force Ago to help evacuate Americans and Afghan Refugees to safety during the military withdrawal from Afghanistan.  

  • Floyd and Kathy Hammer, Founders of Outreach of Union: Floyd and Kathy have led humanitarian missions around the world to bring medical aid and food to those in need.   

  • Nabi Mohammadi, Afghanistan Interpreter: Nabi worked closely with the members of the U.S. Armed Services as an interpreter in Afghanistan.  

  • Governor Terry Branstad, Iowa Governor and Ambassador to China: As Governor and Ambassador to China, Ambassador Branstad worked diligently to grow agricultural and trade ties with China and improve the lives of Iowans, Americans, and our allies across the globe.   

  • Major General Timothy Orr, Iowa National Guard: Major General Orr worked diligently to protect and defend Americans, as well as our allies abroad, while he served 40 years in the Iowa National Guard.   

  • Taras Skyvka, Ukrainian and Humanitarian: Taras worked to transport lifesaving supplies to families and first responders for those in desperate need in Iowa’s sister state of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine when Russia invaded.  

Celebrating 7 Outstanding Iowans

A big thank you to Ambassador Ken Quinn and the World Food Prize for hosting this important event to honor Iowa’s heroes.  Iowa is truly a special place, and our impact on the world is something worth celebrating.