May 12, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] Protecting Americans’ Benefits, Border Security and Stopping Fentanyl | May 8 – 12

As our country’s debt ceiling deadline looms, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently stated that the United States could default as early as June 1, 2023. In the unlikely and unfortunate event that the U.S. does hit the deadline before a deal is reached, I want to be sure we protect Medicare, Social Security, pay for our military, and veteran’s benefits.That’s why I introduced bipartisan legislation to ensure that these critical programs are protected no matter what, which will defend the livelihood of:  6,500 active duty members of our military in Iowa receiving $75 Million in pay and benefits  

  • 664,000 Iowans on Medicare  

  • 668,000 Iowans on Social Security  

  • 46,000 Disabled Veterans  

  • 3,700 Surviving Spouses of Disabled Veterans 

As your fighter in Washington, I am done with politics as usual. The scare tactics must end, and we must protect Medicare, Social Security, veteran’s benefits and military pay for the long-term.