May 27, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] Prioritizing Farmers and Tackling the Fentanyl Crisis | May 22 – 26

I have been fighting every day to make sure the federal government is working efficiently, effectively, and accountably on your behalf. That effort starts first and foremost with listening. 

To that end, this week I hosted a teletown hall with House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson to hear firsthand from farmers and answer questions about the work we’re getting done for Iowa in the 2023 Farm Bill. I also voted to give law enforcement additional resources to end the deadly fentanyl crisis. Plus, we moved forward legislation to ensure Iowans have access to telehealth options, even in the most rural parts of our state.  

As Congress takes on the task of reauthorizing the five-year Farm Bill, I am honored to have a seat at the table as a member of the House Agriculture Committee. That means Iowa gets direct influence on crafting the Farm Bill. 

I want to make sure Iowa farmers are heard, so I held a teletown hall this week with House Agriculture Committee Chairman GT Thompson. Some of the top priorities we heard were: 

  • Ending burdensome regulations, such as fighting to permanently roll back the Waters of the United States rule, preventing overburdensome regulations from states like California from having an impact on Iowa farmers, ensuring permanent and year-round E15, and holding every federal department accountable for burdensome rules that hurt our farmers.
  • Holding China accountable by ending China’s ability to buy Iowa’s farmland and steal intellectual property, along with ensuring we are exposing China’s bad actions on the world stage.
  • Fighting for Iowa by supporting biofuels, prioritizing land conservation, and fighting for stronger trade markets.

Take our quick survey on your Farm Bill priorities here.