May 31, 2023 | Blog Posts

New Bill Alert: Helping Veterans Mental Health

I was proud to join with the family of Cpl. Adam Lambert of Adel, Iowa to introduce bipartisan legislation aimed at preventing veteran suicides this week.

On what would have been Cpl. Lambert’s 32nd birthday, I introduced the bipartisan Daniel J. Harvey Jr. and Adam Lambert Improving Servicemember Transition to Reduce Veteran Suicide Act.

This bill is named to honor the memory of two Marines who served in Afghanistan together, Cpl. Lambert and his friend Lance Cpl. Daniel J. Harvey Jr. Both men tragically lost their lives to suicide within a year of leaving the military. 

Sadly, the suicide rate triples for veterans in the first 12 months following their separation from the military.  In Iowa, the veteran suicide rate is four times higher than the national average.    

Our bipartisan bill would create a pilot program designed to counsel servicemembers about mental health, as well as: 

  • Provide servicemembers with information regarding mental health programs and benefits at local VA facilities.   
  • Ensure the VA has the relevant medical records to help veterans struggling with mental health. 
  • Require mental health professionals from local VA facilities to reach out to veterans within 90 days of transitioning out of the military with the offer to set up an appointment.  

Cpl. Adam Lambert was a proud Marine, an honorable young man, and a brave soldier who raised his hand to serve our country. In his memory, I’m hopeful that we can save lives.