Jun 7, 2023 | Blog Posts

New Legislation Alert: Protecting Public Water

Iowa’s water systems are essential for the health of Iowans, agriculture, and our overall economy.  

Unfortunately, as these systems have evolved to improve the supply and quality of water provided to Iowans, they have also become vulnerable to cyber attacks.  Currently, only 20% of water systems in the United States have even basic levels of cyber protection, and rural communities are especially vulnerable. 

That’s why I am introducing new bipartisan legislation to fortify rural water systems from cyber attacks.  

Watch more about the bill here:  

New Legislation Alert: Protecting Public Water

The Cybersecurity for Rural Water Systems Act will strengthen cyber security for water utilities in rural communities by:  

  • Providing technical cybersecurity assistance to smaller communities.  

  • Hiring an additional 50 cybersecurity experts to consult with water utilities.  

  • Helping develop better protocols to enhance cybersecurity. 

Bottom line: We are proactively putting resources in place to protect rural communities’ ability to provide safe and clean water.