Jun 16, 2023 | Blog Posts

Better economic opportunities for Iowans (see inside)

Making sure Iowans can afford the basics, save for retirement, and live the American Dream is exactly why I’m so focused on economic issues in Congress. 

Serving on the Financial Services Committee allows me to be on the ground floor for passing legislation that levels the playing field for Americans and allows us to remain competitive with the rest of the world. 

This week, we stood up for Iowans by: 

  • Passing legislation to cut back government overregulation, including the REINS Act and two bills to put an end to the federal government’s absurd attempts to ban gas stoves. 
  • Pushing back on inconsistent regulations that are crushing technological advancements for Americans trying to invest in digital assets and driving jobs overseas at the same time. 
  • Fighting head on with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to support Iowa’s community banks that are critical to farmers, small businesses, and families in Iowa.

Why does this matter?

It’s essential to making life more affordable for families, supporting good-paying American jobs, and securing long-term economic growth. 

Check it out: