Jul 5, 2023 | Blog Posts

A Major Threat To Iowa’s Pork Producers

I announced new legislation today to protect Iowa’s pork producers against excessive government regulation:

California’s Proposition 12 requires producers of all meat sold in California to conform to standards set by the State of California—even if they’re located in Iowa. This regulation would effectively require farmers, ranchers, and producers in Iowa to submit to California’s laws.   As the #1 pork producing state in that country, Prop 12’s red tape is a direct threat to our economy and jobs.   Bottom Line: Our farmers, ranchers, and producers need the freedom to operate without worrying about excessive gover

California’s Proposition 12 requires producers of all meat sold in California to conform to standards set by the State of California—even if they’re located in Iowa. This regulation would effectively require farmers, ranchers, and producers in Iowa to submit to California’s laws. 

As the #1 pork producing state in that country, Prop 12’s red tape is a direct threat to our economy and jobs. 

Bottom Line: Our farmers, ranchers, and producers need the freedom to operate without worrying about excessive government regulation from politicians in California getting in the way. 

Our bill, the EATS Act, would prevent states like California from dictating how business is done in Iowa so Iowa’s pork producers can continue to provide their essential service that helps feed our country.