This was Goldie, a golden retriever from Wayne County ⬇️

Goldie was known simply as Golden Retriever #142 when she was suffering in this U.S. Department of Agriculture licensed puppy mill. Goldie faced neglect and abuse: she didn’t have water, a bed, fresh food, or the veterinary care she needed.
Sadly, she wasn’t alone. That puppy mill had received 120 violations over the span of 6 months as more dogs like Goldie were suffering. Still, the USDA took more than a year to save the remaining 514 dogs.
Sadly, Goldie passed away from the abuse. But, it’s not too late to save other dogs from suffering the same fate.
That’s why I helped introduce Goldie’s Act to protect thousands of other dogs who are suffering in similarly horrific conditions right now. Today, we gathered on Capitol Hill to speak up for these animals that can’t talk for themselves:
In Congress, I’m fighting to protect our four-legged friends from abuse:
- Goldie’s Act would require more frequent investigations, ensure thorough reporting of violations, and empower inspectors to remove dogs from harmful situations.
- The Puppy Protection Act would ensure that every dog and puppy has a safe living environment with access to regular veterinary checkups, a healthy diet, and more.
- Iowa has paved the way to end greyhound racing, but we still have work to do across the country. The Greyhound Protection Act will ban greyhound racing and outlaw gambling on the outcome of races simulcast from other countries.
In Goldie’s memory, I’ll keep fighting to prevent this kind of cruel neglect.