Jul 26, 2023 | Blog Posts

These Bills I Introduced Just Passed ➡️

GREAT NEWS ➡️ 4 of my bills strengthening national security just passed the Financial Services Committee! They now advance to the House Floor for a vote.

These important bills protect the U.S. against China and Russia, including targeting illicit money laundering, combating terrorists, and cutting off resources for drug traffickers. GO FURTHER ⬇️ 

✅ Exposing China’s Support for the Taliban Act

As an Air Force veteran that flew missions over Afghanistan, I’ve seen the threat the Taliban poses to basic human rights and global stability. China supports anti-American terrorists like the Taliban in an effort to reduce America’s role in the world. Our bill combats China’s support of the Taliban and other terrorist organizations. 

See my fight for this bill here.

✅ Financial Technology Protection Act of 2023

New technology is revolutionizing the way Americans spend and invest their money, but it is also opening the door for terrorists and illicit money laundering. This bipartisan bill will strengthen our ability to fight illicit financing on digital platforms while ensuring that Americans have the freedom to freely use these new tools. 

See my remarks here.

✅ Stop Fentanyl Money Laundering Act

Fentanyl trafficking is a multi-billion-dollar industry that is killing Americans. This bill will work to end China’s money laundering that leads to deadly fentanyl crossing our borders and ending up on our streets. Enough is enough. 

Go deeper.

✅ No Russian Agriculture Act

Food security is national security. As we’ve seen during the recent war in Ukraine, Putin is more than willing to weaponize agricultural exports as a war tactic. We cannot rely on Russia for anything, especially food, which is why I helped introduce the No Russian Agriculture Act. This bill ends reliance on Russian agriculture to feed the world, and instead, invests in American agriculture production. 

Check it out.

Passing these bills through committee is another step closer to making our country safer and more secure. Next stop: the House Floor!