Aug 24, 2023 | Blog Posts

What happens when disaster strikes…

Floods and other natural disasters devastate livelihoods in Iowa with a ripple effect on our nationwide food and fuel supply chain.  That’s why I’m working to ensure Iowa’s farmers have the tools to extend the health of their land after natural disasters.  

I just introduced new bipartisan legislation, the Protecting Farmers from Natural Disasters Act, to expand the USDA Emergency Watershed Protection Program.  

Why does this matter to Iowa’s ag industry?   

Protecting Farmers from Natural Disasters Act

Disaster recovery is expensive. Improving land quality is expensive. But both are vitally important to continued production of the food and fuel families rely on. The Protecting Farmers from Natural Disasters Act will ensure Iowa’s farmers and rural communities have the tools needed to restore and extend the health of our land after a natural disaster.   
Bottom line: There is no better steward of our land than farmers – their livelihoods depend on it. My bill will ensure they have the support they need to make decisions in the best interest of our land and country.