Sep 20, 2023 | Blog Posts

How can I work for you?

I know so many Iowans are sick of business as usual in Washington, D.C. As your representative, I’m doing everything I can to hear from you and bring a little Iowa commonsense to the Capitol. 

coffee picture

This morning, I hosted another Coffee with Constituents with Iowans who traveled to D.C. from our state. The looming government shutdown was certainly a hot topic, and I appreciated each perspective on how the shutdown could affect Iowans – from healthcare and agriculture to education and our military. 

With that in mind, I want to hear from you on your thoughts on the potential shutdown. Will you share your opinion to help me know how you believe Congress should handle the funding deadline?  


I came to Washington to get the job done for you – not to seek national attention or headlines. I’ll keep fighting for commonsense solutions and keep you updated at each step along the way.