Sep 23, 2023 | Blog Posts

[Week in Review] When others bailed, I stayed to work. Here’s what I learned | September 18-22


These days, far too many people who should be representing their communities in D.C. are instead doing everything they can to degrade themselves for the TV cameras.  As one of Congress’s newest Members, I’m disappointed by the spectacle. I came to Washington to find real solutions for Iowans, and after completing my third 21-county tour of our district, it’s clear that we have work to do. 

This week, our bipartisan victories included passing a bill I wrote to support American small businesses and introducing legislation to protect taxpayer dollars.  Of course, no review of the week would be complete without a summary of where we’re headed in the government funding fight at the end of this month.  While many so-called “representatives” left town as soon as they could, I stuck around to do the difficult, pragmatic work needed to cut wasteful spending while defending the critical programs Iowans rely on—like Social Security, Medicare and VA benefits.

Here’s a quick 2-minute recap on our bipartisan wins and what I learned this weekend: