Sep 28, 2023 | Blog Posts

Leveling the playing field

I was sworn in as your representative nine months ago to bring a little Iowa common sense to D.C., and I’ll be honest, in my efforts to do just that, I haven’t always been the most popular guy on Capitol Hill due to my crusade against the entrenched status quo. 

This week, I introduced two more bills to hold elected representatives accountable—this time during a government shutdown. Members of Congress shouldn’t be profiting while Americans suffer! 

While the government is shutdown, federal employees across the country—including members of the Armed Forces—will have their pay suspended, but Members of Congress are guaranteed their pay by the Constitution. That’s why today I introduced the bipartisan No Work, No Pay Act to fine Members of Congress for an amount equal to one day’s pay for each day of a shutdown. Members should play by the same rules as the rest of the country! 

Likewise, my People Before Politics Act would prohibit Members of Congress from fundraising for their reelection campaign during a shutdown. I asked countless other Members to join me in leading this legislation, but unfortunately no one would bite.  Sadly, I’m not surprised that the swamp doesn’t want to be held back from raising money even when they’re not doing their jobs, but that attitude is exactly why I’m leading this legislation to clean up the chaos and ensure Congress is working for you. 

Bottomline: Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people. Like you, I’m tired of the failed status quo in Washington, D.C. Our representatives need to start truly representing and working on behalf of the American people, not themselves.