Oct 3, 2023 | Blog Posts

The Best and Brightest

Foreign adversaries, like China and Russia, take every opportunity they can find to put our national security at risk. As a former cyber intelligence officer, I’ve witnessed firsthand that these attacks don’t happen on a traditional battlefield.  Increasingly often, they come in the form of cyberattacks, which is why we must ensure our country’s digital security is defended.  
Attacks in Iowa have targeted a food processing facility in Ottumwa, a grain co-op in Fort Dodge, and even the Des Moines public schools. These attacks have left students out of school for days and put our food supply at risk. 
That’s why, today, I voted to strengthen our cybersecurity by ensuring the best of the best are protecting our country in cybersecurity roles. Our bill would: 

  • Direct the government to hire cybersecurity professionals based on their skills and competency, rather than arbitrary criteria designed by bureaucrats in DC. 
  • Modernize recruiting procedures to identify and secure the best talent from across the country, rather than taking a DC-centric approach that diminishes innovation. 

Beyond this bill, I’m working to protect Americans from future attacks, including:  

Just one attack on our water supply, farm land, or electric grid could cripple our nation, which is why I’m leading these efforts to keep our country safe.