Every day, 150 people die from overdoses related to opioids like fentanyl. Nearly half of all overdose deaths had an opportunity for a bystander to intervene. These deaths could be prevented if we give people the right tools to help save lives.
In March, the FDA approved the first over-the-counter overdose reversal medication called naloxone. This powerful, lifesaving drug is easy to use and can help save lives if used quickly enough.

That’s why I just introduced the bipartisan Overdose Reversal Medication Act to help our community’s small businesses and nonprofit organizations add a powerful tool to their toolbox to keep people safe. This bill will expand access to naloxone and provide grants to ensure those in our community can acquire this lifesaving medication.

I’ll keep fighting to address the opioid crisis that is affecting communities across our state. There’s no doubt that the solution starts with securing our Southern Border to stop the inflow of drugs into our communities. At the same time, we can save lives with commonsense support like this bill. Seconds can be the difference between life and death in these scenarios, and every life is worth saving.