Nov 15, 2023 | Blog Posts

🚨My bill to defund terrorism just passed!

BIG NEWS ➡️ My bill to hold Iran accountable for their support of Hamas and their heinous attacks of terror on Israel just passed through the Financial Services Committee! 


Why does this matter? Let’s dive in ⬇️️  

  • On October 7, Hamas—supported by Iran—launched unprovoked attacks against our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel, brutally killing hundreds of people and injuring even more. 

  • Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. In September, the Administration announced that it would return $6 Billion in frozen assets to Iran. While the agreement “required” Iran to not use these funds to support any acts of terror, we all know money is fungible and there are no guarantees. 

Bottomline: We must show unwavering support for Israel and protect our national security by cutting off any funding we can for terrorist organizations. Passing this bill is a key step on this mission.