Dec 1, 2023 | Blog Posts

Major Bill Passes To Combat Terrorism

Immediately after the terrorist attacks on Israel, I took action by introducing legislation to support our ally and combat terrorism. We also worked tirelessly to help Iowans get out of the region.  

As the situation developed, it became clear that Iran was a major source of funding for this attack, which is why I followed up our initial effort by leading on legislation to freeze $6 billion of Iranian funds.   

I emailed you earlier this month to let you know the exciting news that that legislation had been passed by the Financial Services Committee.  

Today, I have even better news: the House of Representatives just passed the No Funds For Iranian Terrorism Act to impose immediate and mandatory sanctions on this Iranian funding so that it can never be used for a terrorist attack. 

I spoke on the House Floor in favor of our bill. Check it out: 




Why does this matter? Here’s the latest ⬇️️  

  • In September, the Administration announced that it would return $6 Billion in frozen assets to Iran. While the agreement “required” Iran to not use these funds to support any acts of terror, we all know money is fungible and there are no guarantees. 
  • On October 7, Hamas—supported by Iran—launched unprovoked attacks against our strongest ally in the Middle East, Israel, brutally killing hundreds of people and injuring even more. 
  • On November 14, the Administration extended a sanctions waiver to allow Iran access to upwards of another $10 billion.  Clearly, they cannot be trusted. 

This legislation is critical to stopping this funding from being used by Iran to finance another deadly attack! I will keep fighting to make sure this bill is passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President.