Dec 27, 2023 | Blog Posts

Year In Review: Supporting our Nation’s Military

2023 was a big year fighting hard for Iowa’s veterans and servicemembers! 
Our biggest achievement for the year? ➡️ Our bipartisan bill to make life easier for military families was signed into law just before Christmas!  
As a father and current Air Force Reserve member, I’ve experienced firsthand the sacrifices parents make to serve our country. This law will ensure Reserve and National Guard parents have the same access to leave as their active-duty counterparts. Any servicemember who serves our country deserves time with their new children. 

Parental Leave Bill is Law!

We have a duty to stand up for those who answered the call and served our country with honor. That’s why, this year, I led the fight for Iowa’s veterans and servicemembers:  

  • Securing the largest pay raise in history by passing legislation to fully support our military 
  • Ensuring healthcare access for veterans by passing legislation fully funding VA benefits. 
  • Reducing veteran suicide by introducing bipartisan legislation to support veterans when they return from duty. 
  • Empowering veteran entrepreneurs by leading legislation for grants to start veteran-owned small businesses. 
  • Securing full benefits for combat-disabled retirees by promoting legislation to prevent the reduction of veterans’ disability compensation and retirement pay. 

This is just the start.  My office also stands ready to help any veteran navigate the VA or receive benefits they have earned.  Please do not hesitate to call at (515) 400-8180 or visit our website here if we can be of assistance to you.