Dec 28, 2023 | Blog Posts

Year In Review: Fighting for Iowa Families

2023 was a big year fighting hard for Iowa’s families! 
Children are the most vulnerable among us, and as such, deserve the utmost support. We scored major victories this year to improve education opportunities, support foster services, and ensure parents have the tools they need to help kids succeed. 

Year in Review: Helping Families

As a father of six, I’ll keep fighting to help every child and family succeed in Iowa. That starts with the progress we made in 2023 to:  

  • Improve K-12 public schools by championing critical legislation to strengthen parental engagement and support resources for students 
  • Connect kids with loving homes by co-chairing the Congressional Foster Caucus 
  • Make adoption easier by leading bipartisan legislation to improve adoptive and foster services 
  • Cut costs for families as they adopt children by introducing bipartisan legislation to expand tax credits