This week, we honored those who are willing to run into danger for the safety of others. In light of the recent tragedy in Perry, I think we all can pause and be especially grateful for those who dedicate their careers to keeping us safe on this National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.

Every day, law enforcement officers face the unknown, carrying out a mission and putting themselves in harm’s way to protect us. No matter rain, sleet, snow, ice, tornado, or flood – they answer the call at all hours to defend their neighbors. That’s why in Congress, I’m supporting them every step of the way by:
- Backing the blue by passing the P.O.L.I.C.E. Act to enhance penalties for those who target and harm law enforcement
- Supporting rural forces by passing the bipartisan Protect to Invest Act to help with recruitment, retention, and mental health support for police officers
- Helping parents who serve our communities by advocating for the Providing Child Care for Police Officers Act, a bipartisan bill to ensure officers have access to reliable childcare
- Standing with community law enforcement departments by passing legislation to condemn efforts to defund local law enforcement
Each day, these men and women sacrifice so much to keep our neighborhoods safe. Please join me in saying thank you to those who protect our communities every day.