Feb 22, 2024 | Blog Posts

Protecting Medicare and Social Security

As I meet with folks throughout our community, I’ve heard time and again that people are concerned with the potential impact of D.C.’s chaos on their hard-earned benefits. 

Let me be clear: I am 100% committed to protecting your Social Security and Medicare benefits.

ZN medicare

As your Congressman, I’ve taken action to prevent any cuts to your benefits: 

  • Defending Medicare and Social Security by introducing legislation to protect these programs from payment delays and cuts.
  • Strengthening Medicare by leading on legislation to expand coverage for cancer screenings.
  • Expanding access to Medicare by supporting legislation to improve rural health coverage.

And there’s certainly more to come. If you need help cutting through red tape to access your Medicare or Social Security benefits, please call our office at (515) 400-8180 or by visiting our website. We are here to help!