Apr 10, 2024 | Blog Posts

Bill Alert: Fighting for Iowa’s Kids

In case you haven’t met them yet, I want to introduce you to two little girls. Jayna and Aliya are sisters – and just one year ago, a judge told us what we already knew: they were part of our family. When we received the call to foster and adopt these kids, we knew it was incredibly important to keep them together.  

Now, I’m fighting to ensure every sibling in the foster system or awaiting adoption can stay together in their forever homes. When placed together, siblings have a sense of stability that positively impacts their transition and long-term well-being.  

Adoption fees and related expenses are high which makes it difficult to adopt more than one child at a time. That’s why I introduced the bipartisan Fight for Siblings Act to help reduce the financial burden and incentivize families to adopt siblings. 

Bottom Line: Every child deserves to grow up in a safe and loving environment. I’ll keep doing everything in my power to help Iowans who are willing to open their home to disadvantaged children.