May 2, 2024 | Blog Posts

A Special Thank You to Perry Police Officers

In January, the Perry community experienced a tragic attack at Perry High School.

I recently stopped by the Perry Police Department to thank the officers who responded to Perry High School that day. These officers went above and beyond the call of duty to save lives and protect our community.

Pictured Left to Right: School Resource Officer J. Moore, Officer Micaela Zagar, Officer Cameron Martinez, Chief Eric Vaughn, Mayor David Cavanaugh, and U.S. Representative Zach Nunn

Law enforcement will be the first to tell you they were “just doing their jobs,” but we owe them a great deal of gratitude for their work. Without their willingness to run into danger, our community would not be safe.

Hearing firsthand from Iowans is one of my favorite parts of serving as your Congressman. I also spent time recently in:

  • Guthrie County, where I presented a Navy veteran with medals he earned for service during the Vietnam War.
  • Madison County, where I spoke to junior high students in Winterset about what it means to serve.