May 9, 2024 | Blog Posts

🚨 NEW BILL ALERT: Protecting Medicare Coverage 🚨

Problem ➡️ Our nation is facing both a mental health and substance abuse crisis. And some patients are struggling to get treatment, especially if they have Medicare:

  • Occupational therapists can make a massive difference in treatment and recovery from substance abuse.
  • There’s a lot of confusion for those covered by Medicare on whether they can be treated by occupational therapists or not.

Solution ➡️ That’s why I helped introduce the Occupational Therapy Mental Health Parity Act to clarify any confusion and reduce barriers to treatment for Medicare recipients. This commonsense solution ensures that every Iowan on Medicare can access the treatment they need.

I’ll keep fighting to protect your Medicare benefits and ensure every Iowan has access to affordable, high-quality care.