May 29, 2024 | Blog Posts

Fighting breast cancer

Each year, millions of Americans are affected by cancer. In Iowa, nearly 2,700 women receive a breast cancer diagnosis each year. Early detection and early treatment are critical to saving lives.

That’s why I cosponsored the Metastatic Breast Cancer Access to Care Act to help Medicare recipients access treatment for their breast cancer diagnosis when they need it, rather than waiting due to bureaucratic delays.

The government needs to catch up with the science to help ensure more at-risk Americans receive early detection screenings and treatment.  I’m also working on two important, bipartisan bills to encourage and promote early detection:

  • H.R. 3916, the SCREENS for Cancer Act, which funds life-saving breast and cervical cancer screening services for low-income and underinsured patients.
  • H.R. 2407, the Nancy Gardner Sewell Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act, which would increase seniors’ timely access to blood-based, multi-cancer early detection technology by creating a pathway for Medicare coverage once it’s approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Bottom Line: Red tape shouldn’t be getting in the way of life-saving treatment. I’ll keep fighting for commonsense solutions to help Iowans get the support they need, when they need it.