May 31, 2024 | Blog Posts

These prices are out of control! 

In 2020, the price of gas was $1.63 – unfortunately, it’s doubled since then due to skyrocketing inflation. I spoke with Iowa families today at a gas station in Des Moines that rolled back prices to that price to provide just a little relief as families filled their gas tanks.

I know the skyrocketing cost of goods is burdening all Iowans. That’s why I’m taking steps to stop Washington, D.C. from wasting taxpayer dollars and driving up inflation:

  • Passing the REINS Act, which stops the White House from unilaterally enacting significant spending that raises prices.
  • Voting for the Fiscal Responsibility Act, which cuts $1.5 trillion off the national debt through budget cuts on discretionary spending, while fully protecting Medicare, Social Security, and veteran’s benefits.
  • Supporting the REIN IN Act, which ensures that the White House cannot bypass Congress to pass inflationary spending through executive order.

The mission is far from over, though, which is why I’m working across the aisle to help Iowa’s families that have been hit hard by inflation. To do that, I’ve introduced several bills:

  • The Protecting Retiree’s Savings Act which will make it easier for Iowans to save for retirement.
  • The Protecting American Benefits Act which will ensure Medicare, Social Security, pay for our military, and veteran’s benefits aren’t sacrificed as political pawns in partisan Washington, D.C. bickering.
  • The Balanced Budget Amendment which will ensure the government doesn’t spend more than it takes in – just like every Iowa family and small business.  Government spending is at an all-time high, and with debt now exceeding $33 trillion, we need D.C. to act a lot more like Iowa when it comes to budgeting.

Bottom Line: I’m fighting to deliver results that will drive down costs and make life just a bit easier for Iowa families.